Many parents have turned to at home drug testing
So they can be sure that their teens are behaving and staying away from harmful drugs and alcohol. If you suspect drug use in your child or teenager, an at-home drug testing kit is undoubtedly advisable. By using an at home drug test, you can keep the results confidential while ensuring that you are getting reliable and accurate answers. Many at home drug tests are fast and very easy to use, and you will find that there are home drug testing kits available that test for a wide variety of substances.
Dealing With Informed Consent and Refusals to Test
Drug abuse is a growing problem among today’s youth, and it is indeed one that must be taken seriously. Don’t give in to the fear that you will upset your child or invade their privacy. Drug use can kill, and be taking the risk of angering your child by giving them an at home drug test will always outweigh the risks of untreated and unidentified drug use.
You can even buy the tests online today
You have the proof you need, yes or no, and you and your child can move forward, either to drug awareness education or to a conversation about why he is behaving like a stranger if the drug testing is negative.
Which Home Drug Test Strategy is Best?
Many parents find the most daunting part of at home drug testing to be telling the child that they will be providing a urine sample for testing. It’s a hard conversation, and will likely be met with tears and anger. However, every parent must remember who the adult is and that if necessary, compliance with the test will be conditional on going out with friends, taking the car, or using the phone or computer. With hair follicle tests samples can be discretely taken from say a pillow or hairbrush.